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Spice up your life with the hookup site

Blog, 2015-11-10 First thing’s first - you know all the rules of “proper” dating?

David Brown
First thing’s first - you know all the rules of “proper” dating? You know, like, romantic dating? The good news is you can forget about that stuff straight away. You know, worrying about what to say in a text message, whether you’ve replied too quickly, and then waiting what feels like several years (actually only several minutes) for a reply that leaves you absolutely no clue as to whether things are going to heat up.

First thing’s first - you know all the rules of “proper” dating? You know, like, romantic dating? The good news is you can forget about that stuff straight away. You know, worrying about what to say in a text message, whether you’ve replied too quickly, and then waiting what feels like several years (actually only several minutes) for a reply that leaves you absolutely no clue as to whether things are going to heat up. Well, all of that is now a thing of the past for you now, because such frustrating etiquette has no part in hook up dating. I know, amazing right? Good riddance uncertainty, hello easy sex!

When you’re trying to arrange a no-strings encounter, there is no need to spend days, weeks or months trying to win your way into someone’s bedroom. Our site was created for the sole purpose of helping people to get together with no fuss, no nonsense. So the very fact that someone is registered on the site tells you immediately that they’re here for the same reason that you are. In a word: SEX.

Now that’s not to say that registering on our site is all you have to do. It’s a little more complicated than that! The magic formula is preparation, a little patience and the ability to recognise an opportunity, because there will be plenty of those!


Anything that’s worth doing is worth doing right! And that counts double when it comes to finding a casual sex partner. You want a night to remember and that’s what you’re going to get. The fact you are reading this shows you’ve got the right attitude, so a quick pat on the back for that. But how do you prepare for multiple sexual encounters with different girls in your area? Well, it’s simple. You have to project the best version of yourself through your dating site profile.

This isn’t rocket science and again, the people you’re trying to meet up with aren’t looking for you to have a million interesting hobbies and achievements. They just want to see a nice photo and a couple of lines about you to show you can string a few words together. You do have a photo, right? Well, come on then, upload that bad boy!

A Little Patience

So you’ve got a profile with a photo or two and some words to show you’re not some kind of mute robot. What next? Well, now the hunt begins, my friend. Well, maybe not hunt, it’s more like visiting a farm and picking out a turkey for Christmas dinner. But it still takes a little time and a touch of effort.

As you browse through the many, many profiles on our site, how do you decide who to contact for sex? And what do you say to get them into bed? Well, there’s no doubt that the more people you contact, the more one night stands you’ll get. But feel free to target the ones you are most attracted to first and then make sure that when you do send them a message, you try to be interesting.

Before going into more detail, it’s probably a good idea to remind you that if you see someone you know in your search results, show them respect and make sure you remember the key principle of this site – confidentiality. People come here for anonymous sex, so if you’re going to contact someone you already know, make sure they are aware that their secret is safe with you.

Sending a message can be tricky for some people. Most people actually. You’re left staring at a blank box knowing that the wrong move will most likely result in no response. But what do you have to lose here? There are literally fuckloads of people to speak with! So take a shot! Relax, type something better than “hi!” and click send. Then move on to the next profile. Don’t put pressure on yourself, again, this isn’t about romance. There is no need to win the person’s heart with poetry or thought provoking questions about the meaning of life! Just break that ice and move along to the next lucky so and so who’s about to get the chance to spend a night with you!

Recognise An Opportunity

This part is important so pay attention. You’re almost done and you’re a step closer to having easy, no-strings sex, on tap. But before you start firing those enticing messages out to hotties in your area, you need to know what to do when you get a message.

Once the replies start pouring in, it’s time to propose a meeting. With thousands of local members, it should be easy to come up with a meeting place that is both convenient and quick to get to. At this point, you just want to seal the deal. But don’t be too eager here – there are plenty of horny singles to go around and there’s nothing wrong with making a few connections for next weekend. Or tomorrow, for that matter! Don’t be pushy, be respectful and open to their ideas as well as yours.

First of all, make sure in your reply you pay the person a compliment. Then ask them when they are free to hook up on a date/ time that suits you. Be calm and classy; you’re James Bond not Austin Powers. If you get the green light for sooner rather than later, then suggest a place to meet and at that point, you’ve finished with the work and you’re ready to reap the rewards. Nice job, I’m so proud of you!

One last Thing…

It may seem like a good idea and maybe you even enjoy doing it…but seriously guys, no “dick pics” as your main profile picture! A girl wants to see your face, she wants to see you have good chat, she wants to know that before and after the hot sex, you’re someone she can connect with and maybe even pass her number to for the same time next week. She doesn’t want to look at the one eyed trouser snake while browsing, no matter how proud you are of your schlong. Put it away and point that camera at your face. Show her your seductive eyes. Women love that shit. Balls are balls. Eyes are the window to the soul! Get noticed!

Besides, if you follow these simple steps, she’ll get a good look at your more intimate parts later anyway ;-)

Enjoy the site and remember folks, play safe!





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